Wednesday, September 17, 2008

# 2 Santa Claus

Ho, ho, ho! Merry... September! Only three months until Christmas, boys and girls. I hope all of you are on your best behavior.

I don't know how many of you are looking for winter-style fun so soon after your summer holidays, but there's a charming little website at the top of this page... I must say, this technology you all have invented recently is very convenient, though nothing beats the classic Christmas letter written in crayon and marker.

Anyhoo, I am pleased to be the inspiration for the above website! The Naughty-and-Nice List guidelines couldn't be better if I'd written them myself, but I must admit the reindeer biographies are purely works of fiction, however entertaining they are.

Am I really as round as they say I am? Goodness, all those cookies certainly aren't good for me. Kids, leave out some good and healthy celery for me this year!

Creations like these help to remind people that the holiday season - regardless of what actual holiday is celebrated - is a time of peace, goodwill, and giving. Regardless of how many times a year you hear that, you can be sure it still holds true!

Above all, it is a time for being with your family. Busy schedules keep us from truly connecting with one another and holidays are meant to be a reprieve from said schedules.

Yours Truly,
~ S.C.

P.S. A very early "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" to all of you!
P.P.S. You're never too old to stop believing in Santa Claus.


sisu said...

Dear "Santa,"
Why do you have a blog if YOUR NOT EVEN REAL? It doesn't make sense why parents try and trick their kids into believing that there is such thing as a chubby man who puts presents under their tree. Why don't they just tell them flat out that its a day where you get a bunch of presents for no reason? If you lie to them, its only going to make it harder when you have to tell them the truth that there in fact, is no such thing as santa clause. So who ever created this website, delete it. Its creepy and wrong to be talking to little kids finding out if they were naughty or nice this year.

souledout4 said...

Santa, I hate you. You're a fat scary man who sneaks into my house every year and leaves...PRESENTS?! For why?!
You eat all my cookies and drink all my milk. You left me a zip lock baggie of coal 10 years ago. And, with the letters rearranged, your name also spells out "Satan". You're one freaky person, Santa. Don't come to my house anymore. You're a militant, mean creature that scares kids into being good. I bet you're so fat because you eat the naughty children. Whatever happened to Johnny McNaughtypants last year, huh? He was at school on the last day of school before break, and then he never came back. There's NOTHING jolly about that.