Wednesday, November 19, 2008

# 7 : Mime Day

I think we ought to have a holiday where no one is allowed to speak for an entire 24 hours. People must dress in black and white, say absolutely nothing, and communicate via extravagent hand gestures. Doesn't that sound like fun?
People wouldn't have to do much to prepare for Mime Day. For two days, they would have to talk much more than usual so as to get all of the chatter out of the way. That way, it won't be as difficult to shut up for 24 hours. There wouldn't be very many decorations, since the idea is to make the holiday as close to a normal day as possible... except that everyone is dressed as a mime.
Everyone would be required BY LAW to participate in this holiday, since it would be silly if only a few people did it. Face paint would be encouraged, but not required, since some people are allergic to face paint. But no one's allergic to mimes, so don't even think about using that as an excuse.
Mimes, much like clowns, are not as appreciated as they ought to be. Everyone seems to hate them, but they're just doing their job/having fun/trying to irritate random people on the sidewalk. They deserve to have their own holiday! And this holiday is an attempt to integrate the solitary mime back into our culture. For too long, they have been getting the short end of the (invisible) stick. It's time for an improvement!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

# 6: New Law

My dad encourages that I make stupidity a crime that can be punishable by law. The fine would be ten cents, paid to the person who discovered the crime. Though this would be a difficult law to enforce, I can see the merit in passing it.

This would encourage people to think before they speak, since most unintelligent comments are voiced before the speaker has a chance to think about what they said. The fine isn't enough to be a crippling amount of money, but those dimes add up after repeated offenses.

Because there would be no way to prove that someone said something stupid (other than by the accounts of eyewitnesses), people would easily be able to duck out of payment. This means that making people pay the fine would be a difficulty, but simply calling people out on their idiocy might help to remedy part of the problem.

As a plus, it's such an insignificant amount of money that the government would never have to be involved, unless they're the ones paying the fines.

Imagine the marvelous new world! Pocket change passing from one person to the next; politicians losing money by the truckload. Those ridiculous infomercials losing so much money that they're forced to go out of business! People would double-check everything for errors. We'd live in an age of reasoning and logic. No one would blurt out idiotic phrases on accident; our country would be that much quieter, that much less disruptive.

This law would herald the arrival of a new age for mankind.