Tuesday, October 28, 2008

# 5

This creature, called the Whippersnapper, is best described as an awkward combination of a snake and a lobster. This particular specimen has been cooked, as can be determined by the color of the creature. A Whippersnapper's body is of a bright red coloration with a lighter underbelly and a gray-blue stripe running from head to tail. In life, the lobster's part of the body would be a vivid blue, but it turns red upon being boiled in hot water.
Whippersnappers have a great deal of difficulty when it comes to moving. Their heads and pincers make the poor creature extremely top-heavy and the Whippersnapper must flail about a great deal in order to move any distance. For this reason, Whippersnappers tend to remain in one place and grab whatever they can to eat. They are quite omnivorous, devouring anything from walnuts to human toes.
Though equally at home on land and in freshwater, Whippersnappers require a warm, damp environment to survive. Their favorite place to live is any sort of sewer system.
Whippersnappers are incredibly solitary. They generally avoid other members of their species and don't hesitate to devour their own eggs should the mood take them.


i like turtles :) said...

I love the picture! This would not be a good pet. I would not want a animal that could and wants to eat human toes. Its a solitary animal so i dont think it would like to be a pet. It doesnt move much so it wouldnt be fun to have. If you kept it in a cage you would have to keep it damp and warm, and it likes sewer systems so would it would like if you put sewage in it and that would make the room smell. Not the best pet to pick ill stick to dogs lol.

changeinapocket said...

Ah, I'm so terrified of this thing. I hate snakes and I hate lobsters.. what a grand combination :). First of all I would not buy this as a pet because I'd like to keep my ten toes. If for some weird reason (like if I was hypnotized or something) I bought this I would keep it as far away as possible! I would have it be in a seperate room that I would never go in. I would love the door and if it ever came out I would scream to high heaven and jump on the closest object. Because its a solitary animal why the fuck would I want it as a pet anyway. This thing is freaking me out so i'm about to end this real quick.

boi*kip said...

I couldn't find any mention of this animal online. does it really exist?